July 6, 2010


School Pride Day #6
July 6, 2010
The Big Reveal!

If you missed todays filming of the BIG REVEAL (uh...this blog didn't keep many secrets though), No Worries! With my smuggled, not-so-concealed and trustworthy blackberry, I was able to take some photos which chronicled today's filming.

After a long morning of waiting for filming - production was delayed about 5 hours, LACES was given the Red Carpet Treatment. Students, teachers, parents, administrators and younger siblings enjoyed a walk through campus while being filmed as the School Pride Hosts welcomed the LACES Community to the New and Improved LACES.

Production staff prepares for the ribbon cutting ceremony.

Streets were blocked off today. LACES visitors had to shuttle in on school buses to the campus. Filming is getting set up to capture the awe and excitement of LACES students as they arrive to check out the New LACES.

First stop: Administration building. Ms. Vickers waits her turn to enter the newly renovated classrooms upstairs.

Parents, along with the ever friendly Main Office Guru Angela, Ahhhhh over the new Social Studies class.

Tables make for excellent small group, learning communities.

More excitement in Ms. Klimke's room.

Dr. Kim is wowed by it all.

Students conducting class in the new Computer Lab - Mr. Merriman's Classroom.

New computers quite impressive.

Culinary Arts Classroom on Monday, July 5th about 7:30 p.m.

Culinary Arts Classroom the next day!
Computers are all touch screen.

1st Floor of Adminsistration building. We were all waiting to be allowed outside to the quad area for the "first time." Standing room only excitement!

Many students ran out to greet the new quad. Host Jacob welcomes LACES community to the new outdoor area.

Overheard..."I can't believe this is LACES!"
"Yeah, but this is BETTER than LACES. It's like a NEW place."

Filming the "Big Reveal of the Quad."

Many had an opportunity to saunter through the quad for the first time. It is still quite impressive after several walk throughs.

Red Carpet lead us to the Music Room next...

Welcome to the Music Room! Cheers and applauds for the new space.

One of the practice rooms was converted into a state of the art recording studio.

(Blurred Photo - Blackberry battery about to die! Handheld device shutting down...)

That's a wrap!

There is still more work to be done at LACES. Finishing touches must be completed tomorrow. Good news! Co President Casey Garza scored about 200 cans of paint for the classrooms that didn't get painted. Guess what YOU'LL be doing this summer???
Keep checking this blog for more updates and photos. Tomorrow will highlight Day #7. Before and After photos will be posted thereafter with a special recognition to our sponsors. Discussion of the maintenance and cleanliness of our NEW SCHOOL will also be posted. I have some photos you'd be very surprised to see...